It is a direct replacement of 12AX7.
It was cheap in 20 years ago and now it has been asking like gold, in the website, you can hardly seen one anymore, even though, the pirce is high around USD$500.00
I had 20 piecse and I had been selling a lot to he Hi Fi Dealer and Shops in Hong Kong...
Now I am using Mullard 12AX7, Raytheon 1957 gold pin 7729, the Gold Pin 7729 Raytheon are even harder to find.
I still have a lot of Telefunken ECC802S, ECC801S and CCa.
If you had a chance to see one of these Great Bottlke, don't let it go... It is a piece of GEM!
Audition on amplifier using Telefunken ECC803S...
Super Quiet, that makes the vocal stands out, and the mouth of the singer is not big, with the right size!
Super wide response...
Super Flat response
Super Stable
Super Long life time... I have been using one pair on my Audio Space Preamp special made by Audio Space for about 6,000 hours, and I took them to check at Tube tester, the specification did not change anything at all when It was tested 6 years ago!!
So this is another type of CHEAP vacuum tube!
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